Natural Sources of Vitamin C

Found in most fruits and vegetables. Most animals can make their own vitamin C: The human body however cannot. But the good news is that there is plenty of vitamin C in most of the food we eat. Vitamin B and C are water soluble, so our body needs a fresh supply daily. Vitamin C can be easily lost even if you do some simple work such as cutting fruits and vegetables. We lose it more when we keep them covered in a refrigerator. So anything that increases exposure of fruits and vegetables can lead to almost 90% loss of vitamin C.

The rich sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits such as citrus fruits and vegetables including raw broccoli, bell pepper, etc. Vitamin C not only prevents and heals the common cold, but treats various other infections such as gum disease, acne and other skin infections. It also plays an important role in making certain neurotransmitters, the signals that carry thoughts, sensations, and instructions around our brains. It maintains our respiratory, lung function and immune system, helps to generate hormones and collagen. Vitamin C protects us against heart disease. Take it as regular supplement. It’s vital if you are a smoker, have a hectic social life and are dealing with a lot of stress.

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