Useful Tips and exercise to speed up the metabolism

Following a proper diet will speed up metabolism.

Some useful tips are:

Drink eight glasses of water every day. It helps to flush out the toxins.

Exercise. It helps take of any aberrations in your calorie intake.

Take small frequent meals a day. Three large meals lead to mid-meal deficit which lowers metabolism. Say no to alcohol, white bread and sweets.

Fasting and feasting can disrupt the metabolic functioning. If you fast, the body senses scarcity of fuel and metabolism goes haywire. So instead of dispensing energy, it converts it to fat. Feasting too has a similar effect as the excess is stored as fat.

Load up with vegetables, berries, seasonal fruits, whole grain cereals and pulses. Fruits like pineapple and papaya which are available throughout the season have digestive enzymes and are negative calorie foods that keep metabolism in check.

Maintain a good balance of dairy products. Curds have probiotic enzymes and are easy on the system. Calcium helps the body metabolizes fat more efficiently and are easy on the system.

Exercises to increase the metabolism

Rise early in the morning. Include more activities in the day.

Park your vehicle at a distance and walk a little to your destination.

Don’t use lifts. Take the stairs instead, unless you have knee problems.

Include strength-training exercises like push-ups, sit-ups or working out on machines. It helps increase muscle mass, which in turn helps to burn calories. This is because muscles require more oxygen and calories to maintain themselves.

Do a 30 minute aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging or swimming. Metabolic rate may increase up to 25 per cent after a vigorous aerobic workout.

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