Thirst Quenching Coolers for Summer

During summer it’s very important to stay hydrated because the summer heat can cause various health issues if adequate fluids are not consumed. Stay hydrated by eating and drinking natural cooling agents, will give you enough energy needed to survive in the heat. Also, drink water which is excellent in keeping your body hydrated during the summer months. Water also plays an imperative role in lubricating internal surfaces, flushing toxins, transporting nutrients throughout the body and maintaining the body temperature. In addition, eat five cups of fruits every day for optimum health. Fruits are abundant in various levels of water and all-important nutrients required to regulate your body temperature. It also helps a lot to keep your skin radiant and beautiful. Here are some drinks you can drink to keep you hydrated in the summer months.

Watermelon Cooler


Watermelon is the perfect choice for summer as it is filled with water that maintains your body temperature. It is not only a luscious fruit but also a natural burst of revitalizing cool in summer. It also contains highest concentrations of lycopene, electrolytes, sodium and potassium that is essential to help the body work energetically. Besides, it is rich in Vitamin B, which is must for energy production during the hot days. Just a refreshing slice gives your body the cooling effect on a hot day.


  • Take 3 to 4 cups of watermelon.
  • Add 3 Tablespoons of lime juice.
  • Mint leaves and blackberry for garnishing (optional)

Put all the ingredients in a blender. Blend it well and serve immediately. This the superb treat to quench a summer thirst!!

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