Four Essential Aspects of Fitness

Let’s focus on the four essential aspects of fitness; four things that will keep you, fit, graceful and healthy. Whatever your age may be, these four aspects (strength, Stamina, Stretch, and Stability) are what are going to keep you going and give you a life of quality.

1. Strength

Overall body fitness will keep you strong, give you long life, lean muscles and keep you looking toned. There is a huge difference between body building and strength training. Building the muscular strength of your body, by using light weights would greatly helps to develop toned body.

Strength training includes a series of fitness machines, free weights and resistance bands, and performing routine upper and lower body workouts. This would develop every muscle in your body, and strengthens your body which will make you to not only look great, but to be strong as well.

2. Upper Body

Muscles that need to be worked on.

Shoulders- Deltoids, lats & trapezius.

Exercises- Pushups, shoulder raises, wide grip chin-ups, lateral raises & bent over rows.

Arms- biceps & triceps.

Exercises- Dumbbell curl, barbell curl, wrist curl & triceps dip.

Chest- Pectorals.

Exercises- Bench press & dumbbell flyes.

Back- Exercises Chin-ups & seated rowing.

Waist & Abdominal.

Exercises “Series of waist and ab” both on the floor and on the flat, decline and incline benches, sit-ups, leg raises and twists.

3. Lower body


Exercises & standing side leg raises.

Butt- Gluteus Maximus.

Exercises & Squats & hack squat.

Legs- Quadriceps, hamstrings & Calves.

Exercises & Squats, leg curl, leg extension, calf raises, leg press & lunges.

Weight training should be done at least 2-3 times a week.

4. Stamina

We need to keep ourselves fit and healthy without becoming tired through the day; we also need to include good diet that gives you the energy and stamina into our daily life. Cardio training is an important part of any exercise routine and in fact ought to make up at least a half of your daily training.

There are various options for cardio training to choose from. We have to choose the right training that we enjoy doing; this will actually encourage us to keep it going through the week, month and decade. Choose the place to exercise such as gym, outdoors if the weather permits or any park. You can also go for jogging, rowing, swimming, EFX machines, aerobic classes; the options are so many, what you choose to do depend on your own ability and interest.

Things to keep in mind

  • You need to do cardio 5 to 6 times a week.
  • Begin with 30 minutes and gradually work up to at least 1 hour.
  • As your fitness level improves, you can increase the pace and duration.
  • If you have time only to do one thing, then make it a cardio session.
  • Work up a brisk pace so that your cardio burn increases.


Most trainers suggest a stretch session before and after each workout. Probably the most important part of any workout is stretching and is a vital part of any fitness session. It aids in relaxing the body after a heavy or light workout. It also releases the lactic acid build up that occurs in the muscles during a workout. Stretching will also elongate the muscles that have become tight and short during the session while preventing injuries that can occur in muscles that stay tight.


  • Stretch both before and after a workout.
  • Do not use any bouncing movements, but do gentle long moves.
  • Stay in the stretch as long as you can, at least 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Remember to stretch out both the upper body and the lower body.

As stretching is usually the last part of your session, it is very easy to be lazy and skip it entirely; you will be doing a lot of harm to the body.


The body’s stability is very important to you not just in exercise, but in your everyday life as well. A Healthy and strong core does keep you grounded and also provide your body the inner vitality to stay upright with ease and give you a good posture. In recent days, trainers are recommending people the importance of core training, as it is essential in training schedule.

Core strength comes from a series of exercises that is performed to strengthen the abs and lower back. A strong middle section is one of the enormous benefits, as it brings stability to the body. The strength of the abs gives protection to the back while giving good definition to the body.

You need to do

  • A series of ab exercises to develop the ab muscles.
  • Several yoga aasanas are also aimed at core strength.
  • An ab workout should be done at least 4 to 5 times a week.
  • You should incorporate it into your workout routine.
  • Pilates also focuses on core strength.
  • An isometric way of keeping your ab muscles tightened through the day.

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