Practising Good Sleep Hygiene

Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene

The poor sleep hygiene habits are daytime sleepiness, inadequate sleep routine, excessive consumption of caffeinated products or stressful lifestyle, etc. Here, you have a cool tips to sleep well ever day.

Experts recommend the following tips that aid you fall asleep;

Avoid consuming alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs close to bedtime.

Stick to a regular relaxing activities such as reading books, light stretching, avoiding bright lights, listening to good music or meditation before going to bed.

Exercising regularly, at least 2 hours before bedtime helps to fall asleep.

Make your bedroom calm, dark and cool.

Don’t engage yourself in mind-stimulating activities at night, such as arranging bills or practicing algebra.

Make sure that you have a soothing and comfortable sleeping environment with soft mattress and allergen-free pillows for a sound sleep.

Dine at least two or three hours before turning in. Avoid eating heavy meals or spicy food that can cause discomfort and heartburn.

If you have disturbed sleep in the middle of the night or if you can’t sleep due to any stress swirling around in your head sit up, turn on the light and engage yourself in some activity like writing or listening to the music.

If you don’t get sleep even after 15 to 20 minutes after lying down on the bed, just get up and do some work until you get sleep.

If you badly go for a nap during the day, limit it to less than an hour in the early afternoon.

Strictly avoid drinking too much alcohol or drug before bed. As per many researches, alcohol is not actually a sedative that can cause sleep problems.

If you are experiencing insomnia, cut down sipping coffee often or the intake of caffeine products that causes sleepless nights. This will help you to have a good sleep.

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