Advantages of Sarwangasana

Sarwangasana is one of the beneficial therapies that heals asthma, diabetes, thyroid disorders, impotence, urinary disorders, hair fall and menopause disorders.

Performing Sarwangasana, drains the blood from the legs. This helps people to relieve from varicose veins.

Practicing this asana on a daily basis helps a lot to relieve from mental and emotional stress, fear and headache.

It tranquilizes the mind, stimulates the thymus gland and improves the immune system while having beneficial effect on the sex glands and the pituitary glands. It also arrests the age degeneration. This pose is healthful for women who experience from misplacement of the uterus.

It drains the abdomen-temporarily alleviates congestion in the abdomen, relieves congestion in the pelvic organs and massages the visceral organs.

Sarwangasana also boosts the circulation to the spine, brain, pelvic area and is beneficial for premenstrual disorders, dysmenorrheal (period pains) and hemorrhoids.

Sarvangasana promotes the blood supply to the scalp and takes care of the hair root, thus inhibiting the loss of hair and greying of hair.


Sarwangasana, should not be practiced by pregnant women, people who are experiencing enlarged thyroid, liver or spleen, weak blood vessels in the eyes, cervical spondolitis, slipped disc, high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases. It should be avoided during menstruation too.

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